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Blog - Restoration 1

All About Ice Dams

What are the risks? How can you prevent ice dams (Illustration courtesy of IBHS - Institute for business and Home Safety, https://disastersafety.org/) Ice dams are a...
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Probabilistic Snow? Extreme Cold? Then What?

Here is the most recent National Weather Forecast for our area of the country: Probabilistic Snow Forecasts. Heavy lake effect snow continues downwind of the...
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Does Heat Damage a Home?

The long, lazy days of summer are perfect for day trips to the beach, picnics with friends, and much-anticipated vacations with family. The landscape is...
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Restoration 1 Establishes Best Of Class Culture By Increasing Benefits To Employees

July 1, 2023. Restoration 1 has experienced major growth in its 5-year existence. The Restoration 1 team is composed of well-rounded executive leaders, highly regarded...
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Before Heading Out On Vacation, Check These Items!

Leaving home for a summer vacation is a great opportunity to enjoy stress-free time away from the regular routines of work and life. But before...
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New Technology Makes It Possible To Dry Wood And Tile Floors

When water infiltrates a home or office - either by flood, frozen pipes or plumbing that leaks - replacing the flooring becomes one of the...
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Restoration 1 Hires Dirk Schmidt, General Manager

Restoration 1 has experienced major growth in its 5-year existence. Now, to provide even better service for families and businesses suffering from a fire, water,...
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Freeze/Thaw: Protecting Your Home or Office

As we prepare for yet another few days of freezing temperatures, it’s smart to be aware of exactly what freeze/thaw cycles are and how you...
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How Can We Help?

Our promise is that we will use the best materials and above code quality craftsmanship to restore your damaged property.