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Is Mold Growth a Concern?


There are over 100,000 species of mold in the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control, mold can be found just about everywhere – in the air you breath, your clothing, your home, and while walking in the park. Mold spores grow on any organic substance with the proper moisture, oxygen, and humidity available.

Mold is certainly a concern. Unless you have a severe mold allergy, you’re likely unaffected by the mold spores in the air. With a full-blown mold infestation in your home, however, that concern rises exponentially. The enclosed space and number of spores make for a respiratory nightmare.

Mold Growth Concerns

Mold is becoming a growing concern. Even back in 2002, there were reports on the growing mold problem throughout the area. Many people believe that Colorado is too dry for mold to flourish, but they’re wrong.

The construction process in Colorado plays a role in the growth of mold. The building companies needed a unique way to address the expansive soil issue. As a result, they developed a structural wood subfloor system that allows for shifting without causing extensive damage to the structure.

Unfortunately, while the subfloor prevents shifting soil, it also allows for mold growth. The subfloor has a crawlspace underneath. Here, moisture and humidity begin to develop and mingle. It’s the perfect breeding ground for mold spores. Once mold begins to grow inside of the crawlspace, it’s only a matter of time before the spores enter the home from below. They sneak through the floorboards.

Once inside, the mold begins to feast on any organic material and settle into the walls, furniture, and clothing indoors. That’s when the real infestation begins.

What to Do With a Mold Infestation

If you discover mold in your home, do not attempt to remove or remediate the growth yourself. Any disturbance to the mold infestation will expose the entire home and cause further contamination. The worse the infestation, the more likely the property is to be deemed uninhabitable.

First, a visual inspection and site assessment must be conducted by experts. Then, trained personnel bring in specialized equipment to treat the mold.

The trick with mold, however, is that nothing can be done until the source is treated. If the source is the crawlspace, then crawlspace encapsulation and mold treatment must begin there first. Once the source of the problem is treated, the infestation can be removed and indoor air quality can be restored.

If you discover mold in your home, don’t hesitate to call Restoration 1. We provide 24-hour mold remediation and inspection services for homeowners and local businesses. With just one call, we’ll dive into action with our mold experts leading the charge. You can reach us 24/7 at 720-573-2568!