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Why Would My Colorado Home Contain Any Asbestos?

Denver Real Estate Icons Illustrates Colorado Property And Inves

While Restoration 1 is known for remediation in the event of a fire or flood, we are also experts in asbestos abatement. In this article we’ll talk about where asbestos may be located in your home, and what the asbestos mitigation process is when it is found.

Asbestos includes a family of abundant, naturally occurring, heat-resistant minerals. It was widely used to create products for many industries, such as building supplies. Here are some of the most common sources of asbestos products in the home:

  • Attic and wall insulation
  • Vinyl floor tiles and sheeting, and the adhesive used for installation
  • Drywall and sheetrock
  • Roofing and siding shingles
  • Textured paint and patch compounds for walls and ceilings
  • Asbestos paper, millboard, or cement sheets on floors/walls near wood-burning stoves
  • Insulative asbestos blanket or tape covering hot water or steam piping
  • Insulation and gaskets on doors of oil and coal furnaces
  • Heat resistant fabrics

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognize asbestos as a health hazard and have set strict regulations around its management and removal. You will want to hire a trained and licensed professional to perform an asbestos inspection in your home and provide recommendations for either abatement or in-place management of the asbestos. Read on to discover more about the abatement process.

The Asbestos Abatement Process

The process of asbestos abatement typically involves the following steps:

  • Asbestos Survey and Identification: The first step is to conduct an asbestos survey to identify any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in the building.
  • Risk Assessment and Removal Plan: If asbestos is found, a risk assessment is conducted to determine the level of hazard. A removal plan is then prepared.
  • Notification: Relevant authorities are notified about the planned asbestos abatement.
  • Setup of Work Area and Containment: The work area is set up and containment measures are put in place to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers.
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Workers involved in the abatement process must wear appropriate PPE to protect themselves.
  • Removal of Asbestos Materials: The ACMs are carefully removed using special tools and techniques to minimize the release of asbestos fibers.
  • Decontamination of the Work Area and Equipment: After the removal, the work area and equipment are thoroughly decontaminated.
  • Waste Packaging and Disposal: The removed asbestos materials are securely packaged and disposed of at an approved asbestos waste disposal site.

In the state of Colorado, asbestos abatement is governed by the Air Quality Control Commission’s Regulation 8, Part B. The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) helps schools and businesses comply with air pollution laws regulating asbestos and materials containing it.

If the amount of asbestos in a pre-existing structure exceeds a set amount, a certified asbestos abatement contractor must be hired to remove the material. In addition, a written application to the CDPHE must be submitted, along with the payment of a fee, ten working days prior to the removal of the asbestos.

Asbestos materials must be disposed of at an approved asbestos waste disposal site, regardless of the quantity or the need for a notice and permit for removal. Violations of Colorado’s asbestos regulations can result in penalties of up to $25,000 a day.

Asbestos abatement is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure the safety of all involved. It’s crucial to employ experienced professionals to avoid harm to workers or anyone occupying the building.

Even minor asbestos exposure can lead to serious health concerns for yourself and your family. You can learn more about our asbestos mitigation services online.